In January I decided it was time to check off some of those items on my bucket list. Below is a picture of "Little Squirt", my present to myself, the car I've dreamed of for a long time. My entire adult life I've wanted such a car. When I would pull up to a stoplight next to a car like this and look over and see a good-looking young chick driving it, I always thought to myself, "dang what a bitch, that should be my car!" Now, when I pull up to a stoplight in "Little Squirt" I can't look over at the next car, because I know there is some young chick thinking, "dang what is that old "bitch" doing in that car, it should be mine!!! Oh well, so it took me a while to get it and as long as I can continue to climb out of it without looking like a Daddy Long Legs doing a dying act, I will thoroughly enjoy having and driving it. Don't ask me about the car payments (or the insurance payments) or for that matter what the tires will cost to replace when that time comes!
Little Squirt! |
I'm jumping around here, but I want to catch you up on my life in the last 8 months. My bucket list has many things,on it. Some are material (little squirt), some are experiences and some are emotional and intangible. I'm still working on my list, it's not that long but I want it to be definately unique to me. When I finish it, I'll let you know.
I still get heart palpitations when I think of my 1-5 year prognosis, but life is short and has always been a one way trip for everyone, I'm just going to enjoy the good AND the bad and hope the good outweighs the bad.
God Bless, I won't promise, but I will try to be better about staying in touch.
Love to all, Kathi