Friday, July 9, 2010

Can I hope for semi-normal?
I can hope, but it's not looking good for today, all the chemo side effects ganged up on me this morning. Hearburn, dog-slept on tongue, no taste buds, highly acute sense of smell (if someone comes around me with heavy perfume it will not be pretty!) nausea, bloating, constipation, hemmorhoids, incontinance, achy joints, headache. For those of you from the south you are probably familiar with the phrase "I'm going to put a case of whoop-ass on ya!" I think someone dumped a truckload on me. Going to commune with my pillow and blanket today, God Bless everyone, I will holler at you later.


  1. I am so sorry it is such a bad day! I love you very much and hope tomorrow is brighter. Hang in there!

  2. Kathi, I just saw your blog posted on the bulletin board in the lounge. I'm sitting airport standby and this is the first I have heard of your battle with cancer. I will keep you in my prayers. I am sure you can beat this. Keep your head high. Hope to see you in the air real soon. -Tricia
