Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I'm here!! WooHoo!! This has not been a picnic but I am rising out of the funk and moving, albeit slowly. My daughter bought a beautiful set of James Avery earrings for me to wear to celebrate my halfway point last Monday but they were a little too heavy for my weak little head so I will sport them today and celebrate a few days late.
My joints are still pretty sore,, heartburn and explosive belching running rampant, damn fuzzy mouth is a constant but my spirits are better and willpower to leave my pillow is great. So I am on the road to a better week. My next round of chemo is scheduled for the 16th and 17th of August, so I have a little while to bounce back and feel almost human. There is light at the end of this funky tunnel. One of the tests that is run monthly is a CA-125; cancer antigen-125, is a protein that is found at levels in most ovarian cancer cells that are elevated compared to normal cells. CA-125 is produced on the surface of cells and is released in the blood stream. A CA-125 test result of greater than 35 U/ml is generally accepted as being elevated.

Post hysterectomy my CA-125 was 79 U/ml, last month it was 39 U/ml, still elevated but coming down. My test a week ago was I beleive 21.9 U/ml. SO!!!! this funky, nasty, yucky stuff is working!! It better be, cuz it eats my lunch ( and my breakfast and my dinner and every snack in between!) I can't say that the positive results makes the side effects worth it, that's just too much of a stretch but it gives me a boost to keep plugging.
I talked with Ann, one of my supervisors in Baltimore yesterday and I told her that every time a plane flies over, my heart gets tugged on. Those of you flying, kiss the clouds for me and I'll be back in a couple of months! This phoenix will rise out of the ashes!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kathy, I have neglected reading you and I am sorry for that. I just completed to read your entire journey. Just told my hubby that you are an amazing person. I don't think I will find the courage, spirit, time, etc... to do a blog. Plus you find the strenght to be funny. God bless you and I really hope I will be running in to you eventually in Baltimore or in a plane. I love you and keep going. YOU WILL BEAT THIS! Suzanne (frenchie)
