Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tim and I have wonderful family and friends around us. They have brought us meals, prayed with us, smiled when we needed a smile and cried with us when we couldn't hold back the tears. Our three children are all grown with familes of their own and they are scattered across the US. They check in on us daily and try to visit as much as possible.

The muttley duo in the picture are my constant companions. Sampson, our St. Bernard was given to Tim when I was going through my second cancer. He was only 9 weeks old when we got him. He is the, kindest, gentlest dog I have ever had or encountered. Hurley, our schnauzer mix has been with us 2 1/2 years and is pure spit and vinegar, but profoundly loyal to the two of us.
When I nap during the day, Sampson is on the floor by the bed and Hurley is right beside me as if they are protecting me from any additional harm. I wake up often to find Hurley's and Sampson's noses in my face. (Gotta love that Milkbone breath!) I like to think they checking on me but needing a romp outside to relieve themselves is probably closer to the truth. They have been a furry, soft, amazing comfort to me. If I didn't know better I'd say they know exactly what's going on.
In four days I start my chemotherapy. In most ways, I dread it. I know what the treatments do to the body, mind and sometimes the spirit. I wish I didn't know how tough it can be.But, in a few ways I am anxious to get started because of the old adage, "the sooner we get started, the sooner we're done!" I truly believe the waiting and the not knowing wear on your soul more than anything else.
At least for now, I have wet noses and milkbone breath to get through until Monday!


  1. Kathi - my dear, dear friend - we will get through this together - all of us - you know ole Gene and I will be there with you all the and Tim are family to us and we love you dearly...

  2. Kathi, you are an inspiration, and then some. I'm going to be on the sidelines cheering you on. Thanks for having such a positive approach. Your attitude kicks the heck out of 'normal'. Can you be my coach?
    Seriously, you can't imagine how you ignite a positive in a world of negative. My hat is off to you! WTG, girl.
